What Is Functional Threshold Power (FTP) – And Why Is It So Important In Cycling?

Put simply, your FTP is the maximum average power output you can sustain across one hour.

In this article, I’ll be walking you through the key elements of Functional Threshold Power, from the different formats of FTP, how to do an FTP test for yourself, and how you can use your FTP to train like a professional.

Learn From A Pro: How To Climb Uphill Faster On A Bike

Whether you’re a casual social rider or a serious racer, I want to share my experience and guidance as an ex-professional cyclist to help you understand the factors that affect how fast you climb hills on a bike – and outline how you can improve them to boost your climbing performance.

What Are Watts, and How Is Watts Calculated in Cycling?

Simply put, a “Watt” (W) is a unit of power. On a scientific level, it’s equivalent to one joule per second.

Watts are most commonly calculated for cyclists through the use of a power meter, which measures torque and cadence to display power output.

Read on to find out what Watts means for cycling power, why it’s such an important element of power to understand, and how this knowledge can be implemented in your training.

Cycling Training Zones Guide: Heart Rate and Power Zones Explained

As you get more engrossed in the ins and outs of cycling, you will start to look into all the data relating to your prowess on the bike. One of the critical parts of improving your performance is to use the cycling training zones. Cycling training zones are also called cycling power zones and enable … Read more