The 5 Key Types Of Exercise Bikes For Indoor Cycling Explained

As an expert indoor cycling instructor and personal trainer to cyclists, I have used a lot of different indoor bikes, and they each come with advantages and disadvantages.

Some are excellent for dynamic sessions, others can aid rehab and recovery, and some are just very comfortable to ride.

In this article, I am going to be telling you everything you need to know about different types of exercise bikes.

Echelon Vs Peloton Bikes Head-To-Head: Which Should You Choose?

Echelon and Peloton are considered to be two of the best indoor cycling bike brands, both offering an interactive workout experience with thousands of workout classes you can stream and high-quality exercise bikes.

But, which is better: Echelon vs Peloton? And what are the main differences between Peloton vs Echelon exercise bikes?